Thursday, July 21, 2011

Interview with Chris Vuoncino (Vocals, Guitar) of Shake That Bear

Here are the members of the band:

Brandon- Lead Vocals
Sean- Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals
Chris- Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals
Jim- Bass
Frank- Drums
Here are the questions I asked the them and they responded right under them:

1. What inspired you to play music?

I've always loved music since I was very young. My dad played the drums and he loved rock and roll. Thus, I grew up around music and when I was 18 I started playing music. I decided that I was tired of just listening to the constant sound of different music around me and so I decided to make my own music. 

2. How has music changed your life?

Music has meant more to me than words could ever express, it has always been there for me. It is the blood in my veins and the air in my lungs. It hasn't changed my life because music has defined it to be something more then just the will to go after money.

3. What bands do you listen to and how have they shaped your music?

Brand New is my absolute favorite band, but as I have grown I have definitely become more interested in classic acts like the Beatles, Joe Jackson, Elvis Costello, the bands who really began rock and roll. I did grow up with the current "emo/ post hardcore" scene so bands like: Boy Sets Fire, Propagandhi, Every Time I Die are influences that I grew up with that go into Shake That Bear music for me where my band mates are younger draw more from current acts like A Day To Remember, Woe Is Me, and Asking Alexandria, so it makes a somewhat interesting mix.

4. What advice do you have for others that want to pursue in music as their career?

The best of advice to really keep your eyes open to the bands that are successful and be weary of people who are willing to take advantage of young bands. Fortunately, I got great experience as a roadie to an act that was signed and until you live through some things you are going to make mistakes, but keep going and always be yourself.

5. Where did you get the idea for the name of your band?

The name of our band is a funny story because there is an amateur porno of the same name and the hold the web domain. Our original singer showed us the video and at first it was a running joke to name the band after it, but we eventually couldn't think of anything better and it's now the name we use.

6. What do you want your fans to know about you that they might not know already?

I am not sure how to answer this cause I unfortunately haven't met too many fans yet, although I'm hoping I get to on tour. I guess I want them to know that I am really passionate about what I do, and that more than anything I wholeheartedly appreciate every single fan we get!

7. What is racing your mind before you go on stage?

Mostly I worry about everyone else in the band. Most of the band hasn't even been on stage five times yet in their whole lives, so every show has been a new adventure for all of us as we grow. As I start setting up I just get excited, I am a bit of an attention whore and I have always felt comfortable on stage.

8. How has being in a different band, helped or hurt your new band?

Having two bands helps me express different emotions and show my range of musical interests. They both offer different writing processes, and interactions between members. I also manage both projects, which I would like to take on other bands at some points so it teaches me different ways of promoting and releasing projects, as well as handling different egos.

9. If you could describe your life in one word, what would it be and why?

My life in one word: Fantabulous. I had to make up a word for myself.  

Shake That Bear is anything but ordinary because they live life on the edge and the story behind their name is very interesting and really goes out side the box or normality. So take a few minutes of your life to give Shake That Bear a chance and listen to the creative music they offer.

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