The Spin Room is a solo project done by the one and only:
Nick Miley
Here are the questions I asked him and below are his responses:
1. What inspired you to play music?
I wanted to make music that would make my fans smile & be happy :)!!! I also wanted to write music that my fans could relate too. I try to achieve that everyday. My girlfriend also inspires me, everytime I look into her eyes I swear I could write 20 new hit songs!!!!
2. How has music changed your life?
It has honestly made me a stronger person. The music industry is a very tough business so you have to learn to stay strong & motivated, plus always keep your head up through it all.
3. What advice do you have for others that want to pursue music as their career?
To stay positive, motivated & hardworking through it all.
4. Where did you get the idea for the name of The Spin Room?
I picked up a copy of Spin and I saw Vampire Weekend on the front page. They were realizable new at the time. I thought to my self they really like bands with indie names, but if I was the editor of Spin I would want to promote a band that reminded people of my magazine. That's how I came up with The Spin Room.
5. If you could describe your life in one word what would it be and why?
A Dream. I get to do what I love everyday & I get to share it with the person I love most in this world.
6. What are you thinking when you go on stage?
I am usually thinking about putting a smile on my fans faces & trying not to mess up :).
7. What in your music career would you want to change or keep?
I would like to be able to tour more in the future.
8. What do you want your fans to know about you that they might know already?
Just to expect much more from The Spin Room in the future! Yea!!!
Nick created The Spin Room from just an idea in his head and now it is a project that is rapidly growing. You could enjoy this solo musical project if you go to his Facebook page and like it. Maybe help him out by leaving some comments on his songs or just say hi on his Facebook page, just show that you care is all he asks :)!!!
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