Friday, November 4, 2011

Interview with Former Thieves!!!

Here are the members of the band:

Josh Sparks

Ben Lynn
Josh Parks
Matt Schmitz

Below are their group responses to the questions:

1. What inspired you guys to play music?

As a whole it is a mix between seeing bands growing up, that inspired each of us differently and hearing records that really pushed us into diving right in to playing music.

2. How has music changed your life?

Music has completely shaped our lives. Not even the fact that we are on the road most of the year, but even in our personal lives it has shaped our way of living. It is a meager existence, but we can all say that it has saved us from getting stuck in a meaningless rut and shown us how are reality is.

3. What bands do you guys listen to and how have they shaped your music?

This answer could take up pages upon pages. But, I will spare you that drawn out response and give you the simple version. We all listen to so much different stuff and have been heavily impacted by all sorts of different music, like classical, metal, indie, punk, hardcore, what have you.
We have been lucky enough to play with some bands and musicians that we looked up to and idolized as kids, that was a pretty crazy feeling.
4. What advice do you guys have for others that want to pursue in music as their career?
Prepare for hardship, loss, and little to no direction. But, if you really want to make a life out of music, anyone can do it. You just have to dive right in and stick with it through the horrible parts. Finally realizing that you are doing what you set out to do is one of the sweetest pay offs.
5. Where did you guys get the idea for the name of your band?
It kind of came out of no where. It does not really have much meaning. Band names are silly that way.
6. What do you guys want your fans to know about you that they might not know already?
We currently have 3 mascots in our van. The first is a toy monkey that does backflips and we got it on our first tour. He stopped working last spring, so he sits in a cubby now or as we like to call it "retirement". Since Monkey 1 broke, we got a new one that is better and more agile. We call him Monkey 2.
The third we just were given as a gift from the fine gentlemen in the band Soul Control. It is a dog figurine lying on his back spread eagle, his name is "Dick Dog".
We also always travel with our spiritual guru, life coach, merch slinger, tour manager, and better part Sean. He is the fifth member of this band.
Without these things we are nothing: "Dick Dog", the monkeys, and Sean are to us, as the sun is to Superman.

7. What are you guys thinking when you are on stage?

Matt - "Please don't vomit, please don't vomit".
Ben - "Power stance, keeping time, and what is so and so up to (arbitrary thoughts, haha)
Sean - "Stop that racket"
Josh P - "I hope I look cool"
Josh S - "Some zen like shit, dude".
Don't need to hold your wallets for this band because their edge will drive you up a wall and make you feel like you are on the top of the world. You might be asking yourselfs: "who is this band?', well I proudly announce that they are called, Former Thieves. Check out their facebook amd listen to their music all night long :)

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