Friday, February 10, 2012

Interview with James Morris!!!

James Morris is a solo artist that likes all types of music because he loves the ability to add his own creative touch. He helps others in more ways than one and see how he does that in this interview!!!

Below are his responses to my questions:

 1. What inspired you to play music?

I can't really say there was an event that inspired me to play music. It went more like one day I picked up a guitar and that was it. I knew it was something I had to do for the rest of my life.

2. How has music changed your life?

Music has changed my life by giving me a new outlet to express myself. I use my music to express things I can't normally say with words and I use it to help people. I am constantly volunteering my time and talent to charities. I recently did work with the GINA for Missing Persons FOUNDation and I am now working on a projects for National Child Abuse Prevention Month and The Alicia Project.

3. What bands do you listen to and how have they shaped your music?

I listen to all sorts of bands, but right now the bands that I can't stop listening to are: Blink 182, All American Rejects, Linkin Park, Good Charlotte, Switchfoot, Sun Kill Moon, and Rise Against. They have all shaped me and my music in one way or another. I take what I listen to and instead of regurgitating it back out, I digest it and draw influence from everything. I take influences from everywhere.

4. What advice do you have for others that want to pursue in music as their career?

Get your parents support, learn an instrument, get out there and do something. Be kind to everyone, stay in school, and have fun. If you are not enjoying it, don't do it.

5. What do you want your fans to know about you that they might not know already?

I am really committed to making a difference in the world and do a lot of charity work.

6. What hidden talents do you have?

I am actually an author. I wrote a book not long ago and it will hopefully be going to print soon. It's called Sky Bound.

7. What are you thinking when you are on stage?

This is amazing. Time to rock.

8. What does your family think of your music?

They are very supportive of it. My family is amazing because they back me up 100% and are always there.

9. What is your favorite food that you eat when you are on tour?

Whatever is best where I am. But I can say that for nearly every show that I have played at, I have always had a Chick-fil-A sandwich right before playing. It's kind of become like a ritual for me.

10. Which song is your favorite that you wrote and why?

Honestly, which ever is the newest one I made. I like all my songs, but the newest is always the most fun to play.

11. If you could describe your style of music in one word, what would it be and why?

Now you're busting out a really hard question.... I really want to look in a dictionary for some super long complex word, but instead I think I will go with real. My songs are written by me, about real topics and I really feel it whenever I sing or write. Another possible word is raw, but I can't decide which is better :)

For more info, and a free download of my new song SPEED OF DARK, please visit

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