Here are the members of the band:
Frank Servais- Lead Vocals / Rhythm Guitar
Kevin Smith- Lead Guitar / Vocals
Steve Delacourt- Bass
Dylan Miloshevsky- Drums
Here are the questions I asked them and their individual responses are under them:
1. What inspired you guys to play music?
Frank: I started listening to 60's rock bands and when I was in 4th grade I picked up a guitar and singing just came naturally with my guitar. I have already been singing my whole life, so when I put those two together it just felt right. Music was and still is the only thing I am really good at.
Kevin: I love music and grew up in a music environment. Being with a bunch of friends and meeting cool people is a dream come true for me.
Steve: Well I started to play sax in 6th grade because I always loved the way it and I loved jazz, but then 4 years ago I picked up guitar, so the rest is history. Since, now I love playing the guitar and started playing the bass about a year ago. I love learning new things because it makes me grow as a person.
Dylan: I have been to many concerts and so being in one was just a dream come true.
2. How has music changed your life's?
Frank: Since I have been in bands I have met so many cool people who have inspired me in many ways throughout the years. My friends pushed me to keep writing lyrics and inspired me to grow as a musician. It has given me an outlet for my anger and other emotions, plus it has opened a ton of doors in my life.
Kevin: Music has definitely made me more knowledgeable and opened to so many new possibilities.
Steve: Well I understand music much better then before, plus playing music always helps me relieve stress and made my life worth while.
Dylan: Music has definitely changed the way I think about things. It gives me new ways on how to deal with the problems I face in my daily life.
3. What bands do you guys listen to and how have they shaped your music?
Frank: I have listened to bands like: Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, GnR, Sixx:A.M, Motley Crue, Blink-182, Fall Out Boy, The Wonder Years, AFI, As I Lay Dying, August Burns Red, Weezer, Major League, A Hero From A Thousand Paces... basically any band that ranges from acoustic to metal core.
Kevin: Since I was raised in an Italian household my music consists of: Frank Sinatra, Frankie Vallie, The Duprees, The Platters, Johnny Mathis, and The Beatles of course. Plus, I rock out to With The Punches and I Call Fives.
Steve: I listen to Green Day, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Yellow Card. I really like the way their music sounds and the feel for it because to me they all sound like a perfect harmony, yet unique in their own creative way.
Dylan: I listen to Breaking Benjamin, Seether, and Three Days Grace most of the time. So when I was in a post-hardcore band, these bands gave me the idea for a more fierce attitude in the way I play.
4. What advice do you guys have for others that want to pursue in music as their career?
Frank: Follow your fucking dreams and don't give a damn what anybody thinks of you. Hold your head up high and don't let those fuckers get under your skin. Do whatever makes YOU happy not what people think you should do. Make your own path for yourself because if not the music business will push you around.
Kevin: Have fun and always stay honest about yourself!!! enough said :)
Steve: Just make sure you really want to do it and don't give up or lose hope. Always keep your head up high because you never know what will happen in the future.
Dylan: Don't rush things because other people in your band can get a little mad when things are rushed. Focus on the writing aspect of music because it really makes a difference in your music.
5. Where did you guys get the idea for the name of your band?
Frank: Well me and Kevin were just sitting around in my room one day shooting off ideas about what we should name the band. This one just happened to be the one we both liked. The name is like a hopeful name for a band. I try to live like every day will be better then the next. So... A Brighter Tomorrow. Something everyone can relate to and look forward to.
6. What do you guys want your fans to know about you, that they might not know already?
Frank: Well we work hard writing music because we want the fans to love to hear what we play. With out them we are basically nothing.
Kevin: I feel as though I can speak for Frank since I've known him forever. We do this for the enjoyment of making music and performing for our friends. We have fun writing and playing music. Hey if people like us, that's great. We feel like in a couple years or so, we could be "that" band. It is all part of the experiences we go through and the fans are along for the ride with us.
Steve: We will come out with great songs in the future and we have the best fans that support us.
Dylan: The genre of music I am playing is not the only genre I listen to, not many people really know that about me.
7. What is racing through your mind before you guys go on stage?
Frank: "This is it, I got this. Gotta do my best and hop around like a jackrabbit on crack. Don't mess up, this is gonna be fun. Lets fucking go"
Kevin: "I need a drink." (haha)
Steve: "I hope I don't mess up. Hope I can do the best I can"
Dylan: Messing up has to be the only thing I really worry about.
A Brighter Tomorrow is a band that not only want to brighten your day, but make everyday a brighter tomorrow. So if you want to help support a band that wants to make you happy, you should go like their Facebook band page and listen to their music because everyday will be a brighter tomorrow.
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