Chris Bottari - Lead Vox
Brad Perry - Rhythm Guitar/ Vocals
Kamil Bebenek - Drums
Sam Christiansen - Bass
Dylan Netherton - Lead Guitar
Here are the questions I asked them and their group responses are right under them:
1. What inspired you guys to play music?
Honestly, a lot of things have inspired us to play music. Things ranging from everyday situations to past experiences. Originally we just got together to have fun and make some music, but after a while we realized that we could actually accomplish something through our music and, in all reality, that is probably what inspired us the most!!!
2. How has music changed your life?
Well, being in a band we've sort of developed a heightened sense of appreciation for other musicians. Being in the music industry, you begin to take music for what it is and appreciate it for what it is. I think it is safe to say that music has changed our lives in a way that has allowed us to progress in a field that is increasingly hard to succeed in.
3. What bands do you guys listen to and how have they shaped your music?
We listen to a lot of different genres of music collectively. Everything ranging from All Time Low to Chelsea Grin. I think the bands we listen to most are, "Woe, Is Me," "Us, From Outside," "Suicide Silence," "Emmure," "Born of Osiris," "Memphis May Fire," "The Devil Wears Prada" and a few others. The stage presence of Memphis May Fire has directly affected that of our own. Seeing them on stage has influenced our stage presence heavily in regards to our "ego boosters" as some bands call them. The music of other bands has shaped our style in respect to the sound and the tuning, but our style in itself is something all its own.
4. What advice do you guys have for others that want to pursue in music as their career?
It's not easy, for one. It takes a ridiculous amount of dedication and determination to make it even to where we are as a band and in all honesty we were not as far as we could be at this point. The best advice we have is a quote from our manager, "If music is not your life, then don't make your life music."
5. Where did you guys get the idea for the name of your band?
Well, it's a funny story really. We're all fans of old school horror-flicks and a common theme in all of them is when you see the killer you run. Have you ever watched a scary movie and at a part where the killer confronts the victims you're thinking to yourself, "this is the part where you run!"
We basically wanted to take that feeling and bottle it into our name.
6. What do you guys want your fans to know about you that they might not know already?
Our band is a very support oriented band. We thrive on the support of our fans because without them we would not be where we are today. We love and appreciate each and every one of our fans as if they were a family, because to us they are.
7. What are you guys thinking when you are on stage?
The one thought that probably races through our heads the most is, "We gotta get this crowd moving." We play very movement based music and perform to keep the crowd continuously interested and enticed throughout our entire performance. So every performance is like a party for the crowd that ends with the fans being sad to go home!!!
Here are the exact words that they would like to end this interview with:
We'd like to thank Melissa Aldawoodi for interviewing us and would like everyone to know that our EP "Somnambulant" will be coming out soon! Be sure to like us on Facebook and check back often for updates.
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