Kyle Pipino: Voice/7 String Neil Schneider: Drums Taylor Stinson: 7 string Dave Greene: 6 string |
Here are the questions and below are their group responses to them:
1. What inspired you guys to play music?
I think all of us have had different experiences. For Neil and I(Kyle) it was pretty much older siblings that got us involved with music and we both started really young. I think all of us just love music and how it makes
people feel. It made us feel a certain way that inspired us enough to pick up an instrument, learn songs, put hours of dedication into something. A force powerful enough that motivates us to do the extraordinary. Music is enough of an inspiration on it's own. I feel like people forget that especially nowadays.
2. How has music changed you life?
Making us crazy enough to keep doing what we do (haha). It has changed each of us in many different ways. It gave each of us happiness, hope, something to focus on, and even a purpose in life. Music is an addiction once it gets you, it consumes the rest of your life, which is (for the most part) an amazing thing to have.
3. What bands do you listen to and how have they influenced your music?
We have a ridiculously diverse taste in music. We all listen to everything from Cannibal Corpse, A Day To Remember,Immortal, John Coltrane, Lady gaga etc. The list is infinite. Each of us obviously have our specific tastes, but at the end of the day we have many gray areas that inter-lap. In our minds it is either good music or bad music. Doesn't matter the genre, good polka is good polka. So with all this abundance of music we ingest, our style is the direct product of this naturally. So when people hear us for the first time they go "What the fuck am I listening to?" (haha) and we all enjoy that very much. We like being different and having people embrace us or despise us. We have a fundamental metal sound that has sprinkles of all these other musical ideas and borrows from other genres to mix it together to make Dawn Of The Hero. This has been done before and is still being done, but what we want to do to make ourselves stand out is to make our OWN sound and not just a mess of ideas put together. We have a feeling attached to our music and we make sure we keep that going.
4. What advice do you guys have for others that want to pursue in music as a career?
The most valuable advice I can think to give anyone is to make sure you TRULY and HONESTLY love music. If that is a yes I believe you don't need much else more. Everything else comes back to that simple idea. When you love something so much, the passion and drive can push you through anything. It is much simpler than we all think. The hard work, dedication, time spent, being broke, playing to hundreds of people, playing to five in a run down bar, (haha) it doesn't matter, if you love music everything is just part of your love and is a part of your gig to bring you one step closer to your goals.
5. Where did you guys get the idea for the name of your band?
Well originally we went under a different name for about 4 years when we started. Finally towards
the end of high school, we decided to change our name for various reasons. So upon loads and loads of
shitty names and some good ones, I remembered a band that I was in with an old buddy of mine. We were called Dawn Of The Hero. The way we came up with the name at the time was that I thought of my favorite band and favorite movie, so I put them together. At the time I said Protest The Hero and Dawn Of The Dead. Mix the two together and what do you get you get? Yupp you guessed it, Good old DOTH. So eventually that band faded out like all little projects do, but I still loved the name. So I said what the hell and we nabbed it from the old band. Also, I felt like it made sense for us. It represented our music, which has a "triumphant" vibe to it and we were starting fresh/new. We made it our name and have been for over a year
6. What do you guys want your fans to know about you that they might not know already?
That they mean more than they will ever know. Everyone of them around the world, it is just crazy to see the amount of people from all these different places say how our music makes them want to rock the fuck out. We never want to be that band that pushes away our fans or does not acknowledge their support everyday. We do and we try our hardest to make that vocal. We are a crazy bunch of dudes and do a crazy bunch of things, but we love our fans to death. I don't even like calling them fans, they are just a bunch of badass friends from many different places. It is just humbling to know that we have been doing this for just over a year, all of us in this band haven't even reached 20 yet, but some guy in Israel says my music,words, blood sweat and tears has made him feel better about his life. It is insane and thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Cheers.
7. What do you guys think when you are on stage?
Dave- "They paid for a show, so give them a show"
Neil- "Don't drop a stick dumbass"
Taylor- "I'm gunna go up there, jump around, and hope they like it"
Kyle- "Lets play this show like it is the last goddamn thing we do"
Dawn of the Hero is a band that says it all because they produce music that everyone can hear, even if to your parents you are not the "hero" in the family. Dawn of the hero wants everyone to know that fans to them are really close friends that they would like to meet in real life one day.
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