Here are the band members:
Anthony Redcross: Lead Vocals/ Guitar/ Keys
Gabe of The Masses: Lead Guitar
Daeron Bennett: Bass Guitar/ Keys/ Vox
Adam Murray: Drums
Here are the questions I asked and individual responces are right below:
1. What inspired you guys to play music?
Daeron: I was bored!
Anthony: I liked music!
Adam: To be as good as the bands I listened to!!!!
Gabe: I liked music more than anthony!!! (haha)
2. How has music changed your lifes?
Daeron: It helped me make many new friends.
Anthony: It changed my personality for the good.
Adam: I turned into a crazy mother fucker who doesn't care what other people think (haha)
Gabe: I have become less shy because of music!!!
3. What bands do you listen to and how have they shaped your music?
Daeron: Metallica and Billy Sheehn made me want to become a good bassist.
Anthony: Coheed and Cambria because they made me want to be like them!
Adam: As Blood Runs Black and Chelsea Grin have made me want to play drums faster then I normally do.
Gabe: Escape The Fate made me want to become a better guitarist and The Black Dahlia Murder made me want to write metal!!
4. What advice do you have for others that want to pursue in music as their career?
Practice and work with other musicians as much as possible!!!
5. Where did you get the idea for the name of the band?
Anthony has a ring he always wears called the "Ring Of Karma", so it inspired us to call the band: Karma's Choice.
6. What do you want your fans to know about you guys that they might not know already?
We go through so many members we lost count because we're really picky!
7. What is racing through your mind before you go on stage?
Daeron: To do the best I can in front of a crowd.
Anthony: Trying to remember the lyrics and to do really well on stage.
Adam: I've never done it :(
Gabe: "How much blue drink I have left?" (haha)
Karma's Choice is the only band that will give you the best karma in your life if you do these three steps: 1. Go to their facebook profile page and press the "Like" button. 2. Add the band members as your friends on Facebook. 3. Listen to their music all day, everyday. Lastly, go to all the concerts that they preform in.
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