Thursday, May 10, 2012

Interview with Struan Shields!!!

Struan Shields is a man of music with an emphasis on pop/rock and acoustic. His new EP "If I'm Being Honest" is now available for preorder on iTunes! He loves to chat with his fans, so take the time to message him and see what his music is all about.

I had the honor to interview him and below are his responses:

1. What inspired you to play music?
As a little kid I would daydream about being a singer and writing songs. My mom played guitar and piano and would show me a thing or two. Growing up, I would just strum on her spanish classical guitar and pretend to "write songs." My brother bought "Abbey Road" by the Beatles when I was in first grade and I fell in love with rock & roll. Eventually I talked my parents into buying me my own guitar and that brought me to where I am today.

2. Does your family support your music and why or why not?
Without a doubt!!! I would not be playing music if it was not for my family. Both my parents are very musical and in addition to funding lessons when I was growing up, were always at every performance. Whenever I have a hometown show they come out if they are in town.

3. If you were the president, what would be the first thing you would do? would be the most patriotic thing I could do (haha).

4. How has music changed your life?
It has changed in countless ways. It is a big part of who I am and the songs I write are a good representation of where I am at in my life and have helped shape me as a person. It has given me a passion and a dream that has played a role in nearly all the big decisions I have made in my life.

5. If you could describe your music in one word, what would it be?

6. What would you ask your fans if you could ask them anything?
Would you still love me if I had a mullet? (haha)

7. What outrageous experiences do you have with fans?
For the most part everyone is super polite and normal, although on one occasion a drunk woman pulled a switch blade on me. Another time on tour a fan wandered into the green room and walked in on me stepping out of the shower. I was pretty naked (haha).

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Interview with Shelby Lynne

Shelby is amazing because she has volunteered in so many places and was part of Little Kids Rock for a few years.

I had the opportunity to interview Shelby Lynne.

Below are Shelby's responses:

1. What other talents beside music do you enjoy doing and why?

I love to draw, garden, and cook. These things always fill me up...I love
anything that opens the mind to being creative, positive.

2. How has music changed your life?

Music Is the greatest force in my life. Whether I am making music or
listening to music, I can't really imagine my world without expression
through song.
3. Where do you get your inspiration to play music?

I am inspired by life and the situations that arise while living it. I
observe the world through musical eyes and try to see the poetry in all
parts of it.

4. What challenges have you been through in music and how have you overcome

The only real challenges have been what has gotten me here today. Like any
career you live and learn. I'm continually living and learning.

5. How long have you worked with Little Kids Rock and why is it important to

I was asked to join the LKR benefit and love the opportunity to bring people
together for a cause that gives kids music lessons and instruments. Music
brings people together of all ages. Music is important in all communities.

6. Why have you donated guitars to Little Kids Rock and how do you feel this
has impacted individuals?

I was asked to draw a piece of art on a guitar that was auctioned off a
couple of years ago and thoroughly enjoyed doing it. I was more than glad
to do it.

7. What messages are you trying to depict in your songs?

I don't have a specific message in my songs. I write what I feel in hopes of
reaching a common bond with everyone who listens.

8. Over the years, how has music changed and what aspects of the music
"business" do you wish were better?

The music business is one thing. Making music is another. If you make music
because it's your passion that shines through. I make music for my life
because I am moved to do just that. I feel like I was born to share music
with people.

Interview with Prairie Prince of Little Kids Rock!!!

Prairie Prince is involved with the band Little Kids Rock and helped with many organizations in order to better the world.  Prairie donated a Fender Stratocaster guitar he personally hand painted with Jimi Hendrix's face enveloped by flames. Link:

I had the opportunity to interview Prairie Prince of Little Kids Rock and I am thankful for that.
Below are Prairie Prince responses:

1. How do you feel you give back to the community as a musician?

I play music and create art for all sorts of people and events in the community
2. How has music changed the way you see the world?

The realization that the world turns on music for support and a way to escape from reality.

3. What inspired you to play music?

My parents love for music and art helped me to play music when I got older.

4. I understand this is your first time working with Little Kids Rock. How did you get involved and why is it important to you?

LKR came to me and I thought it was an important and necessary cause for children of all ages

5. You are donating a guitar you hand-painted to be auctioned off at the benefit on May 6th. What inspired you to paint the image of Jimi Hendrix that is on the guitar. Why the flames around his face?

Jimi Hendrix is my all time favorite guitarists and his song fire was a great inspiration for me in my teens

6. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Playing music with kids on the moon (haha).

7. If you could describe your music in one word what would it be and why?

"Life" because thats what music brings to the universe.